
We are working on this page to better serve researchers and educators. Please come back later as we update with more resources.

Do you have a research inquiry about Johnson’s Island? Does your family have historical materials from a prisoner who was there? Would you like to visit the site? 

With any inquiries, please Contact Us, and a member of our board will promptly reply. 

Please note that the site is privately owned and access to the property for any purpose requires advance permission from FDJI. If you would like a private tour, we would be happy to help arrange one.

Letter from 2nd Lt. Adam F. Swadley of the 31st VA dated September 25, 1864, during his imprisonment at Johnson’s Island.
FDJI maintains a historic document and object collection in addition to the archaeological materials recovered from the site. This collection includes letters, diaries, and photographs from some of the Confederate prisoners and Union guards.